How to build a shopping quiz that converts 📈

A really great salesperson in a shop doesn't have just one pitch: they tailor their conversation to meet the customer where they are, and evolve their recommendations based on what's resonating seasonally. With shop quizzes, you can offer that same custom messaging and set of personalized recommendations—all completely automated.

We've curated a few key best practices from some of the best in the business to help take your shop quizzes to the next level.

  1. Keep it conversational.

This is a sales chat, not a robot intake form. Focus on sounding like a person (while still matching your brand's voice and tone.) Acknowledge customer responses before asking the next question! Have fun with it.

2. Choose the right type of conversation for the products you sell.

Do your customers need to understand "why to buy" or "what to buy"? If you only sell a few different products, you may need to build an educational conversation. If you offer a wide variety, a dynamic product matching conversation that helps your customer narrow down the list may be a better fit.

3. Ask just enough questions to make a good, personalized recommendation.

Most brands end up with 3–5 questions, but the truth is it can be as long as you want as long as it makes sense to the customer why you're asking the questions. Focus on learning what you need to know about your customer in order to point them towards the perfect match. But don't be afraid to ask a few leading questions that help your customer see the value of what you offer, especially if you need to make a more educational sale.

4. Include reviews when you can.

Reviews can play the same role in automated personal shopping conversations that they do on your website. From social proof to addressing potential objections, including a quote from a customer in your quiz can help increase conversion, especially if you're taking a more educational approach.

5. Learn from previous conversations.

Your experience isn't static — you can make it better over time. If a specific question is causing customers to drop off, you may want to tweak the question or responses. And by looking at customer results, you can uncover unexpected insights to help you improve your ad creative, content, and even future product selection!